
World Thinking Day

Girl Scout World Thinking Day – Stop The Violence Wristbands

All good things are bound to come together in order to create a big positive impact on the World Thinking Day. These small little acts once carried out in unison across the world can make this big impact. Each of these small acts helps create a mosaic. Yes, mosaic, a piece of art that lets very small pieces of different color and dimension lets you create a big beautiful image. Continue reading

Medical Alert Bracelets

How Medical Alert Bracelets Can save Your Life

With our ever so busy life and never-ending commitments, we keep ending up in places where we aren’t supposed to be. A non-jogger who’s somehow dragged for a long hike by his friends will struggle to keep up or even quit.While that’s funny to his friends, things would not have been the same considering it could’ve have been a heart patient. Continue reading

custom rubber bracelets

Promote National Heart Month – Know More About the Silent Killer

A heart has been the most symbolic organ ever throughout our history. It is often interpreted as a sign of love, central wisdom and the union of soul and body. An important symbol throughout the history; heart is arguably the most important organ of our body and ironically it’s the only organ we take ever so lightly as not to keep it fit and healthy.

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