
kn95 face masks

How to Get KN95 Facial Masks and PPE During the COVID-19 Outbreak

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the majority of people weren’t prepared for the impact. This lead to widespread resource hoarding, from toilet paper to food to facial masks. Now that the CDC is recommending you wear face masks, though, it’s crucial to try and get your hands on one.

Here are a few ways to get facial masks and PPE during the COVID-19 outbreak.

What Kind of Face Mask Do I Want?

You want to try and get your hands on a KN95 mask, more commonly known as an N95 mask. These offer the most effective filtration of airborne particles.

However, in a pandemic like this, any face mask is better than none. Whether it’s a homemade cloth mask or a filtered respirator, you’ll be better protected with than without.

Wearing your mask helps spread awareness of the issue, and encourages others to do the same. It’s important we all set a good example and do our best to get masks.

Where Do I Get Facial Masks?

Facial masks — especially the most effective KN95 builds — are hard to find these days. But there are still a few places you can check out.


The first place to check is Amazon. They have a wide variety of face masks, from cloth to N95, to a more traditional “gas mask” look.

Amazon is usually sold out these days, and reselling masks has been temporarily banned due to price gouging. But restocks do pop up occasionally, and you can still get other mask types from the site. Again, something is better than nothing, so it’s worth browsing


Alibaba seems to have a wide selection of KN95 brand respirators on their site. Many of these are sold in bulk, meant for businesses, but you can also get single masks. These ship from China, so expect a bit of a wait before receiving them.

But if you’re looking for a large number of masks for you and your loved ones, this could be the way to go.


Like Alibaba, most items on AliExpress ship from China. You might have to wait, but their store pages show a vast selection of KN95 masks. You can also get gloves and hand sanitizer from here!

Shipping costs are another thing to consider when buying from these sites. The list prices may seem affordable, but don’t forget to count in the pricy shipping. It’s probably worth it, though, considering the pandemic.

Discount Masks and Gloves

New to the scene, website Discount Masks & Gloves offers bulk orders of KN95 masks. They’ve also got Nitrile gloves, and disposable 3-ply face masks. They offer worldwide shipping, and plenty of ways to pay, including PayPal, credit cards, and checks.

The best part is, they’re based in Texas! That means you’re getting a product that ships from the USA. If you refuse to ship from China, this is the way to go.

Get Good Face Masks & PPE

If you don’t have a good face mask yet, it’s time to start shopping around.

There’s no real end in sight yet for COVID-19, and the faster you get prepared the better. While you’re getting facial masks, stock up on hand sanitizer and gloves from these sites, too. It’s always better to be ready for the long haul.

We recommend checking out Discount Masks & Gloves to stock up on face masks right away. Last we checked, they still had plenty in stock, but hurry, they may run out like other stores recently have.

Order Your KN95 Masks Now

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